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Tempest Black Polished - Quality Granite and Cabinetry

Tempest Black Polished Quartzite is a striking natural stone renowned for its distinctive characteristics and impressive performance statistics. This luxurious quartzite is often sourced from quarries in Brazil and has captured the attention of architects, designers, and homeowners for its exceptional qualities.



One of the standout features of Tempest Black Polished Quartzite is its remarkable durability. It boasts a high Mohs hardness rating, typically between 6.5 and 7, making it exceptionally resistant to scratches, chips, and general wear and tear. This durability ensures that it can handle the demands of high-traffic areas, such as kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities, without losing its lustrous polish.

The stone’s unique aesthetics are equally captivating. It features a deep, elegant black background adorned with striking white and gray veining. These contrasting colors create a dramatic, almost stormy appearance, reminiscent of a tempestuous night sky, hence its name. The polished finish further enhances the stone’s beauty, providing a glossy sheen that reflects light and adds a touch of sophistication to any space.

Tempest Black Polished Quartzite is not only visually stunning but also a practical choice for those seeking both elegance and durability in their interior design. Its unique combination of strength and beauty makes it a standout choice for creating stunning focal points and surfaces in residential and commercial settings alike.

For a free estimate, please call 603-522-7625